Other Publications
Not Elsie. Fabula Argentea 48 (January 2025).
True Princess. Baubles from Bones 3 (2024).
Two Hybrids. The Future Fire 71 (2024).
Columbus with Dementia. Dreams and Nightmares 127 (2024).
"Sherman Did." Third Wednesday, Summer 2024.
Wrong Person. Dreams and Nightmares 126 (2024).
Still Life. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2023).
Hybrid Bible. Exist Otherwise 8, November 2023.
A Reprint: The Evolutionary Alice. The Lorelei Signal, Jul-Sept 2023.
Hi. Writers Resist, June 2023.
Strip Poker. L'Esprit Literary Review 2 (2023).
Electric Spec 17(3), 2022.
(Nominated for a "Best of the Net" Award)
Cures for Hiccups. Daily Science Fiction 1/7 (2022).
Two Stories ("I Luncheth with Mine Enemies" and "We Seem to be on the Same Wavelength about the Fact that Each of Us is Operating on an Entirely Different Wavelength"). Page & Spine 12/18 (2020).
Two Pieces ("Pedigree" and "Are You?"). City. River. Tree 39 and 40 (2020).
Six Very Short Stories ("When Nietzsche Met Quantum Physics Met Galileo," "Grandchild," "In Enthusiastic Answer to a Question that No One Was Asking," "Perhaps I cannot hold a candle to you. But I can set you on fire," "Roaches. And Hedgehogs," and "...Just Start Salivating"). The Cafe Irreal 75 (2020).
Three Pieces ("That's Why" (with Ellen Saunders), "Everyone," and "Red Christmas"). New Reader Magazine 3 (10): 64-5 (2020).
Two Poems ("What It's All About" and "Darkness"). Illumen, Winter 2020.
The Withholding. The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts (2019).
Holy Moly (A Recipe). Bending Genres 8 (2019).
The Quantum Womb. Daily Science Fiction 1/3 (2019).
(Honorable Mention)
Three Recipes ("Wakey, Wakey," "Modern Art Pasta," and "By Bread Alone"). New Reader Magazine 1 (3): 150-1 (2018).
(Also appears in Bewildering Stories' Third Quarterly Review 2018.)
A Son. Apparition Literary Magazine (2018).
(Winner, August 2018 Flash Fiction Contest. Theme: Parasites.)
Dorothy II. Zetetic: A Record of Unusual Inquiry (2018).
Devouring the Classics: 10 Recipes. Galileo's Theme Park, Third Flatiron (2018).
Alternative Histories. Expanded Horizons (2018).
Happy Birthday, Darwin! And Please Enjoy a Slice of Phylogenetic Fruit Cake.
Nothing in Biology (2018).
Darwin Turns 209 Next Week. And Here’s the Perfect Playlist to Help Us All Celebrate.
Nothing in Biology (2018).
Seven Choices. The Future Fire 40 (2017).
Dorothy. Daily Science Fiction 5/30 (2016).
(Third Place, Spring 2016 Contest. Premise: Changes.)
A Map of the Sky. "Mappa Mundi," Sein und Werden (2015).
Now We Are Ten. "Now We Are 10," Sein und Werden (2014).
The Phylonauts. "Auto de Fe," Sein und Werden (2013).
Philanderer. "Not Quite Human," Sein und Werden (2013).
(Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
From Many Pieces. "Exquisite Corpse," Sein und Werden (2013).
Biology through Shakespeare. Outline and Lecture Abstracts for a Cross-Disciplinary Course (2012).
STRC and CATSPER2. The Human Genre Project 15 (2011).
Rb1. The Human Genre Project 13 (2011).
Alcohol Dehydrogenase. The Human Genre Project 4 (2011).